It has been a long time since Conor McGregor was a relevant fighter in the UFC. Now, his worth as a human being seems to be rapidly diminishing, as well. This week, after being found guilty of rape in a civil trial in Ireland, some bad stuff finally started happening to McGregor. Now that he’s an adjudicated rapist, he’s been ordered to pay his victim around $250,000, has been ditched by the new owners of Proper 12, has been cut out of a video game appearance and has lost some distribution of his various other liquor companies in Ireland. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, eh?
Is this finally the tipping point for McGregor, where the roller coaster has reached the top of the incline and begins to tip ever slightly toward the heart-racing, bone-rattling plummet to the bottom? Maybe. One thing that seems obvious, however, is that the UFC will almost certainly try to book him in another fight sometime in 2025. This week, we break down what McGregor’s guilt means for his future both in fighting and beyond.